Pienava Wind Farm BOP Tender | BY EOLUS

Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest
Pienava Wind SIA (Hereinafter referred to as “Client”), a company incorporated under the laws of Latvia and operating under the Swedish wind farm developer Eolus Vind AB, hereby invites Contractors from eligible companies for tendering for the design and building of the infrastructure for Pienava Wind Farm (“Pienava Wind Farm BOP Tender”).
Pienava Wind Park is set to become a 158 MW onshore wind power plant anticipated to be completed by 2027. The Project is located in the Western part of Latvia, approximately 10 km north of the town Dobele. The A9 highway runs through the middle of the project area. The Project is located in a flat agricultural landscape with a few small forest areas and an average turbine elevation of approximately 60 meters above sea level. The Pienava Wind Park consists of 19 to 22 wind turbine generators with a 250 m tip height.
The detailed technical description of the project will be provided with the tender documentation HERE.
For any questions concerning the tender process please contact Project Manager Gatis Pocs at Pienava.wind@eolus.com.