Support to charities

Support to charities

December is a holiday month. It is for this reason that we encourage You to be attentive and provide a helping hand for those in need. The Chamber would like to urge You to give Your support to three Charity organizations – members of the SCCL which daily work with children, youngsters, and vulnerable families.

  • Latvijas Audžuģimeņu biedrība ( ) (Latvian Foster Family Society), Reg Nr 40008008996, donation account: LV79PARX0000233751014 | SWIFT: PARXLV22 | AS "Citadele banka"
  • "Asociācija Dzīvesprieks" ( ) (Livslust), Reg Nr.
    50008006681, donation account: LV70UNLA0032000700543 | SWIFT: UNLALV2X| AS "SEB banka"
  • Pestīšanas armija ( (Salvation Army), Reg Nr 90000158170, donation account: LV87RIKO0000080011705 | SWIFT: RIKOLV2X | AS Luminor banka

Thank you!

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