SWEDEN | Has the world fallen out of love with the Swedish brand?

SWEDEN | Has the world fallen out of love with the Swedish brand?

Sweden has featured on the news a lot over the past few years. Gang-related crime has plagued many of its largest cities, as well as the threat of going to war with Russia. And with international news outlets covering the country's problems, the world is watching.

To look at this important topic from a business perspective, the network SWEDISH CHAMBERS INTERNATIONAL | SCI is proud to present UP THERE, EVERYWHERE's Valentine's Day free webinar on February 14th, aiming to discuss the implications of the rising crime rate on Sweden's global image.

To what extent are the problems impacting the nation's image and reputation as a safe and peaceful country, and more significantly, how does it affect aspects such as business, inward investment, and the recruitment of international talent?

The Place Brand Observer looks at the competitiveness of places in terms of inward investment, tourism and recruitment by compiling data from various indexes, still sees Sweden as relatively strong at the moment.
But the billion kronor question is: for how long?

A panel of experts will give their thoughts on the impacts on various aspects of the Swedish brand. Stockholm-based British broadcaster Maddy Savage with experiences working for the BBC and other global media, will be the moderator for the session.

SIGN-UP HERE: SEMINAR: Has the world fallen out of love with the Swedish brand? (upthereeverywhere.com)

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DATE & TIME:  February 14th 16.00 CET (17:00 RIGA TIME) 




SWEDISH CHAMBERS INTERNATIONAL | SCI is an umbrella organisation for Swedish chambers of commerce abroad. We consist of over 30 Swedish Chambers from all over the world, spanning hundreds of companies across five continents. Whether you are a Swedish company wishing to expand abroad, or if you are a foreign organisation wishing to explore the incredible business possibilities in Sweden, SCI is ready to provide you with the network. Your international journey starts here.